Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is the world’s best-performing research university in terms of research cooperation with industry (#1 since 2009) and a world-leading university in engineering science and technology. National and international research programs are executed by more than 50 research groups at TUE.
TUe has tremendous experience in leading, coordinating and managing large European research and training projects, including Marie Skłodowska Curie ITN projects. The TUe Innovation Lab offers professional advice with regard to legal, technical as well as business-related issues, and has gained top-level expertise in the administrative, financial and legal management of EU projects.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) research is a pillar of EES (Electrical Energy Systems) group within the Electrical Engineering Faculty. We develop advanced modeling and measurement techniques that will help the designers of electronic systems to fully understand and simulate the key factors leading to potential degradation of signals in their systems at an early stage of the design process. The research focus ranges from “small” systems (e.g. noise propagation in integrated circuits) up to “large” ones (e.g. lightning protection of aircrafts). The innovative modeling and measurement techniques are rooted in advanced analytical electromagnetics, statistical electromagnetics and simulation techniques.
KU Leuven is the largest university in Belgium and a LERU Charter member. It had > 540 European research projects in FP7 (2007-2013), and was 6th in the league of HES institutions participating in FP7. In Horizon 2020, KU Leuven currently has more than 330 approved projects, and is in 11th place for European institutions hosting ERC grants. To date, >100 ERC Grantees confirm that KU Leuven is a breeding ground (55 Starting Grants) and attractive destination for the world’s best researchers. The success in the FP7 and Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions, with 73 (I/E)TN, is a manifestation of the three pillars of KU Leuven: research, education and service to society.
The M-Group is focused on the growing demand, by builders and users, for machines and systems to more advanced and fully integrated mechatronic systems. The M-Group KU Leuven supervisors are leading experts in dependable mechatronic systems. Key competences include mission- and safety-critical systems, fault-tolerant design, software coding, EMC, sensor networks as well as machine systems and control.
The SMaRT group (Soft Matter, Rheology and Technology) aims at designing methodologies for intelligent process or product (formulation) design using complex fluids or soft matter. Hence, our research can be situated at the intersection of classical chemical engineering (transport phenomena) and soft matter physics and chemistry. From a materials point of view, the two most important classes studied are polymers and colloidal dispersions.
The University of Twente is a public university in the Netherlands with a primary focus on Engineering and with considerable experience in training through research. Together, 3300 scientists and professionals carry out ground-breaking research, bring about high technological innovation, and provide inspiring teaching for more than 10,000 students. The university has the nickname of ‘The Entrepreneurial University’, and has generated over 750 new companies in the last 3 decades. The campus is home to around 100 businesses, including student-run businesses. The EMC group performs research in EMC with a focus on measurement techniques, preventing EMI and EMC in complex (mission-critical) systems.
The IETR (CNRS) is a public research laboratory expert in the field of electronics and digital technologies. Structured into 6 research departments and 14 thematic research teams the work we carry out addresses multiple scientific challenges mainly linked to the digital transformation of society, but also to its transitions in terms of environment, ecology, energy and health.
Established in Brittany (Rennes, Saint-Brieuc, Lannion, Coëtquidan) and Pays de la Loire (Nantes, Angers, La Roche sur Yon), the IETR (CNRS) brings together more than 360 collaborators from the 5 laboratory stakeholders (CNRS (Engineering and Informatics), CentraleSupélec, INSA Rennes, Nantes Université and Université de Rennes); the IETR (CNRS) also welcomes researchers from other institutions by hosting agreements.
Tomas Bata University in Zlín (TBU) is a young international, modern university that educates 9,500 students in the humanities, science, technology, medicine, and the arts. In the Young University Rankings issued by the reputable British Times Higher Education company in 2021, TBU was ranked 351 – 400. TBU is characterised by strong cooperation with the companies and disposes of The Science and Technology Park, which won the prestigious award in the “Business Project of the Year 2012” competition in the “Infrastructure for the Support of Innovative Entrepreneurship Prosperity” category 1st place.
TBU is involved mainly in national projects, such as Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness (OP RDE), The Czech Science Foundation (GACR), Projects Funded by the Technology Agency of the CR (TACR), and projects funded by Czech ministries.
Ghent University is an internationally renowned, open, pluralistic and socially engaged university in Belgium. Our credo is ‘Dare to Think’.
Ghent University was founded in 1817. Over the past 200 years, Ghent University has counted many eminent scientists, ministers and even Nobel laureates among its staff and alumni.
50,000 students and 15,000 employees constantly enter into dialogue with society. Ghent University encourages each of them to seek personal growth and rewards its students and staff for what they set in motion.
With one of the most progressive career models for academics in the world, Ghent University evaluates its scholars not only by the length of their publication list but also by the impact they pursue, what they achieve and how they collaborate. High-risk and interdisciplinary research are key. UGent’ers make science better and through that science, they also make the world better. Boldness, curiosity, experimentation, change of perspective, responsibility, daring to fail and the awareness of not knowing are more important than our (otherwise excellent…) position in the rankings.
From the bustling city of Ghent, Ghent University looks the whole world straight in the eye. Various disciplines such as biotechnology, aquaculture, microelectronics, history and veterinary medicine are internationally renowned. Our university is constantly expanding its horizons, by collaborating with the best universities in Belgium and abroad. We’re proud to say we are the first European university in South Korea, with Ghent University Global Campus.
The founding principles of the TUHH are unique in Germany: research priority, interdisciplinarity, innovation, regionality as well as internationality are obligatory foundations for our actions. The guiding principle of research, teaching and technology transfer is to develop technology for humanity.
The TUHH is a competitive, family-oriented and sustainable university with high performance and quality standards that strives for research excellence in basic research and its fields of competence. It is an internationally oriented university in the Hamburg metropolitan region, committed to the Humboldtian ideal of education. It contributes to the development of the technical-scientific competence of society by educating the next generation of engineers with modern teaching and learning methods and by promoting technology transfer and the establishment of companies.

De Montfort University (DMU) is a public university located in Leicester, England. Established in 1992, it was named after Simon de Montfort, a 13th-century Earl of Leicester who played a key role in the establishment of the first Parliament of England. DMU offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and research courses across four faculties: Art, Design, and Humanities; Business and Law; Health and Life Sciences; and Computing, Engineering, and Media

To serve society at local, regional and global levels through excellent teaching and research and through the provision of services underpinned by a strong sense of community. This is NOVA’s mission! It is based on respect for Human Rights, and values such as honesty, integrity and a strong commitment to public service. Find out more about the values that guide our mission, including our inclusion policy. After 50 years, we intend to remain young and creative in the way we teach, research and create value for society, leaving an indelible mark for future generations.
NOVA revolutionised university education in Portugal with a differentiating and visionary academic project.
We maintain this legacy of constant evolution, which is particularly important for a university that intends to maintain the level of excellence of its educational offer, which requires constant attention to the performance of the various components of this offer and the promotion of sustainable pedagogical innovation strategies. NOVA’s pedagogical innovation policy, in line with its strategic objectives.